We accept the word of Zinia as it is written in the Book of Abra as literal and scientific truth.

That truth, to use a three dimensional representation of an ultradimensional construct, is that our sun is but a grain of flour in a vast sheet of pasta we know as our universe, and that sheet of pasta is but one of countless layers of a massive lasagna, and that this lasagna is but one lasagna on a tray of countless lasagnas, and that tray is one of countless trays spread across an imperceptibly expansive factory floor, and that the purpose of these lasagnas is to harness the power of the stars to be put to practical ultradimensional use.

Furthermore, we believe that living things are but undesirable growths on the machinery of this ultradimensional power plant, and that it is the duty of two ultradimensional technicians by the names of Hedon and Nihol to keep our particular tray of lasagnas clean and free of undesirable growths, and thus is the struggle of life.

Having gained such dizzying perspective on the true nature of the universe, it is our view that we should love each other, love ourselves, and generally calm down, considering there isn’t much anyone can do about all this.
