Ipsissimus Mark (R) Absorbs information from Dr. Matheson

Dr. Matheson shares a photo of his colleague who discovered the Book of Abra in Parnu in the 1970s

Dr. Matheson and Ipsissimus Mark at the “Farmhouse” dig site on Lake Vorts

Riga Site Journal

J'ournal Fragments of MSL Matheson, lmminent archaeologist

August 12 2024

Setting off to Lake Vorts. There seems to be enough evidence gathered from the 2008 Dig and the 2016 dig to warrant a trip 1out there. Small crewJ packing light, just some prelims. Should be, fun!

September 17 .2024: Arrived at lake vorts three weeks late, hav1ng been waylaid six ways tll Sunday on the our route from Parnu. The donkeys were unheaithy and uncooperative, and th·e sherpas were nervous. I knew there was something stirring. I donlt know. But the next thing we know two of the donkeys are dead and Etijah has come down with some sort of late summer flu. I don't know, but he was sweaty, pale and delirious untiJ the end. He kept going on about zinnias and lasagna. We burled him in a shallow grave in the woods covered in stones, and moved on. A few days later, we were here. Lake Vorts, starkly beautiful, but somehow haunted.

October 5 2024: We've finally found what we were here fort I think. We've found several shards

of unknown ceramic material, inscribed with what looks like the old sext runes Hlls1inger uncovered in the seventies, etched Into that desiccated goose sl(jn book. Thing was nobody knew how to read it, so- ifs on a shelf at the British museum right now, collecting dust. But here's the thing: there were also Sanskrit and proto-siniatic on the same shard. This might be the key to Hilsingers goose book!

October 7 2024: we-ve found more shards like the last one, I think our suspicions were right. It's definitely a translation tablet. The Interns are calllng it "The Pancetta Stone" due to my Jove of ham.

October 12 2024: I've sent the images of th,e Pancetta Stone off to Hilsinger. we•re packing up and off to London. 1'11 await his analysis there.

Journal Fragments of G.L. Hilsingert Linguist

October 13 2024: Received some electrifying images from Math,eson yesterday. Looks like the translation tablet for my old sext runes! Ifs all laid out on these shards, neat as you like: Sext Runes on the outside, then Sanskrit then Protosinlatic. Looks like each character is assigned a number value 1-6. Don't know what that's about, but this could be the key of translating my goose book! Getting a pass to the BM archives tomorrow to take a look.

October 15, 2024: I have deciphered the title ,of the goose book. It is The Book of Abra. Apparently it Is a collection of writings edited by someone named ZJnia. More later.